Sinful Lust: Taboo Historical Erotica Box Set Page 2
‘Good girl,’ said the doctor, ‘thank you for your obedience. Obedience is something that the sisters value very highly here, isn’t it Mother Superior?’
‘It most certainly is,’ said Mother Superior, her voice suddenly slightly strained. I could here the sound of her hand moving against fabric. I imagined suddenly her sacred place, beneath her robes, on fire with lust as she looked at me. No, surely she couldn’t be enjoying seeing me like this, could she? As I thought more about her, I felt my own lust blossom between my legs, and I struggled not to squirm as they watched me. A sudden thought entered my mind: Order me to take my undergarments off, doctor! Look at my naked body!
‘We might have to test her obedience as well, make sure that she is truly is ready to serve the Lord with mind and body,’ said Mother Superior. Little moans had started to make their way into her sentences. I looked again at her and saw that her hand had now snaked its way beneath her habit. She was moving it slowly up and down. I imagined her fingers on the lips of her entrance, stroking the soft wet folds of her sex. I felt a deep well of passion build in me, and I struggled to stop myself from putting my hand between my legs, too.
‘Now, Purity,’ said the doctor, ‘ I would like very much for you to bend over for me. Please spread your hands out on the chair there and spread your legs a little.’
I reluctantly did as he asked, bending over so that my backside was pointing toward the two of them and my chest was over the chair with arms in front of me.
‘Good. Now, I’m going to pull your bloomers down, dear, so don’t be shocked if you feel a draft.’
He took hold of the rim of the fabric of my undergarment and slowly pulled them away. I felt the moisture from my kitty stick to the silky fabric as the lips of my sex kissed my underthings, trying to keep them stuck to me.
‘Goodness me,’ the doctor exclaimed, ‘Purity, where has all of this moisture come from? Are you aroused, young lady? Has being undressed and touched by me made this happen.’
I was so ashamed that I couldn’t speak. Instead, I merely nodded my head and waited for their judgement.
‘How utterly shameful,’ said Mother Superior.
‘You have such a beautiful little sex, Purity. And such strong, lean buttocks,’ said the doctor, ‘you are a fine specimen.’ I felt the doctor’s hand on my back. His skin was coarse and old, but something about it felt good against me. He pulled down, touching the skin of my rump, before gently, tenderly moving inwards towards my private parts. He pulled at the flesh of my bottom with both hands, spreading the lips of my kitty wide apart.
‘Purity, there is a huge amount of moisture here, it’s making my job hard,’ I heard Mother Superior starting to moan now, loud and throaty behind me. ‘I think, Purity, that a visual examination is just not going to be adequate in your case. I’m going to have to probe your little pussy with quite a large instrument. Mother Superior, would you mind helping me with it.’
I turned around to look behind me, and I saw Mother superior drop down to the ground. She looked hungrily up at the doctor, before moving her hands to his waist. She undid the cord around his trouser and then, seemingly unable to wait any longer, she pulled them down hard and fast. What I saw next will never leave my memory.
Chapter 4
The thing that sprung up from the doctor’s crotch was like a giant, fleshy serpent. It was pink and hard, and bobbed around in the air. It was surrounded, at its base by a mass of wiry, dark hair, and beneath it hung a sort of meaty pouch. Mother Superior seemed transfixed by the instrument, and reached out to touch it. She started to massage the skin of the thing with her hands and then, she pulled the veil back from over her face and, to my utter amazement, stuck out her tongue and began to lick its entire length. She started grunting and moaning, and then, she plunged the rod all the way into her mouth. The doctor let out a deep groan and looked round at me.
Without knowing what I was doing or why, I’d reached my hand down between my legs, onto my naked sex. I’d began to rub my fingers juicily up and down the length of my entrance, encouraging more and more liquid to lubricate my opening. I repeated to myself that nothing going on here was blasphemous, that the Lord himself had blessed the doctor and the Mother Superior. I watched as she took his instrument over and over into her gaping mouth. I saw her moisture cover its length, and observed as she thrust her hand into herself under her habit, as she writhed and moaned beneath him.
‘Enough, Mother Superior!’
She pulled away instantly. She moved backward into the corner of the room, panting, and then she lifted up her skirts. I saw that she was totally nude under her habit. She had shaved the hair from around her pubic entrance, and I could see her lips, clearly engorged and glistening, as she started to pry them apart with her fingers, shoving the length of her digits into herself again and again.
‘Do it, doctor! Defile her!’
As Mother Superior shouted and moaned in the corner, the doctor walked over to me. The rod hung beneath his hips, heavy and thick in front of him. It was truly monstrous. Was this what he was going to do to probe me, to find out whether I had been chaste?
‘Now Purity,’ said the doctor, ‘no doubt you’ve been wondering how on earth a convent manages to pay the wages of a man of science like me.’ I felt a heavy hand come done onto my behind. I started to tentatively push the tips of my fingers into myself, as the doctor began to grope my flesh. ‘Well the thing is purity,’ said the doctor, ‘they don’t pay me in money. They pay me in the maidenhood of young nuns.’ I heard the Mother Superior groaning in the corner of the room. ‘I get to defile whomever I please,’ said the doctor. I felt his thumb on the entrance to my backside, and then, as I explored myself, he gently pushed it in, making a pleasant pressure inside me.
‘Excellent, nothing wrong with the anus. I may plunder you there in future, but today is not the right time for that.’
I then felt his fingers begin to trace their way up and down the lips of my cunny.
‘My payment has had quite a corrupting influence on the Mother Superior,’ said the doctor, ‘when I first started, she was as chaste as they come. But she saw me, lying with the sisters, fucking every little nun who wanted me, having my sweet way with the entire convent, and she began to become curious, didn’t you,’ he said. When I looked over at Mother Superior, she was lying on her back, bare chested, her nipples straining as she pinched them, twisting her other hand around inside herself. ‘She’s much more excitable and adventurous these days.’
Suddenly, Mother Superior crawled over to us. She was much younger than I’d thought at first, and her body was beautiful. She had an ample bosom, and small, dark little nipples. Her shaven pussy was beautiful, too, large and hungry to be filled.
‘Doctor, may I taste her?’ she said.
‘You may,’ said the Doctor.
Mother Superior approached my backside and then, I felt her warm tongue start to lap at my entrance. She licked around the top of my pussy and then up and down its sides. She panted, hot and heavy, and I felt a pleasure like that which I’d never experienced before. She started straining now, pushing the full length of her tongue inside me, forcing me wide open with her thick, muscular organ. Then, before I could stop her, I felt her finger also at my anus, and with a little grunt, she pushed it inside me. I gasped with pleasure, feeling my legs begin to shack and buckle beneath me.
‘No!’ shouted the doctor. ‘How dare you penetrate her bottom?’
‘I’m sorry, doctor,’ said Mother Superior, her voice quavering.
‘Get away from her. Lie over the chair!’
I watched as Mother Superior, with an almost goofy grin on her face, made her way to the chair. I missed the feeling of her tongue on me, and replaced it with my own hands. As she bent over the chair, I was surprised to see welts on her backside, and thin, red marks.
‘Now, your punishment will be as usual,’ said the doctor. He brought his hand back and then with a loud
smack, slapped it against her bare flesh. She squealed with pleasure, and then begged him for more. ‘No, one is quite enough for you, you filthy wench. Now to get back to the task in hand.’
I felt his heat behind me once more.
‘Now, Purity, it’s time for you to become a woman, a true servant of the Lord.’ I felt something hard at my entrance, and knew that it must be the tip of the rod I had seen under him earlier. ‘Now, this will hurt a little to begin with, but then, it will feel truly magnificent,’ he said. I felt him start to push, and the tip of the cock worked its way into me. It was so different from having my own fingers in there. This thing was thick and forceful, almost as though it had a mind of its own. There was just a moment of tension and then, it slipped all of the way into me.
It was such pleasure, such unbelievable, powerful, bone-juddering pleasure. The little, tight muscles inside my slit gripped so hard, trying to keep him inside the whole time, begging him, with their grip, not to pull out. He pushed harder. It felt like his whole body was a muscle, was a penis, getting exactly what it wanted from me, from my womanly form. His hands were everywhere suddenly, over my back, on my buttocks, in my mouth, on my breasts, holding tight, pressing me down to the chair as he fucked me, made me his. He pumped harder and harder, pushing my pussy apart with his sweet, huge instrument.
‘I’m yours,doctor,’ I moaned. ‘Do what you want with me.’
I felt him shudder as I said this, and he pumped harder.
Suddenly, I felt something else on my pussy. It was Mother Superior’s tongue again. She licked around the doctor’s cock as he continued to slide in and out me, expertly finding the little spots of pleasure around my entrance which not even I knew where there. She moaned again and I felt the vibration of her lips against my cunny. I felt wild and free, happier than I’d ever felt before in my life as I started to move as well, in time with the doctor’s thrusts, squirming around so that Mother Superior hit just the right places. The doctor moved harder and harder, moaning, groaning, straining to get in and out of me and then I felt it, this build up of tension in his cock, it seemed to pulse with a liquid, throbbing energy. He was depositing his seed in me!
The thought of this powerful man impregnating me drove me over the edge. In a fog of lust and passion, I felt my own climax building inside. I screamed loud and groaned as my body tensed and tightened. My pussy pulsed in time with the last few spurts of semen from his cock, and I looked up over my shoulder.
‘Doctor, what have you done?’ said Mother Superior.
‘It couldn’t be helped,’ said the doctor, ‘the pleasure was too great.’
‘That’s the first time you’ve put your seed into one of the girls.’
‘Yes,’ said the doctor, ‘but not the last time I put my seed in Purity.’
I smiled, and felt good. Suddenly the whole world seemed to be open to me. I thanked the Lord for my sin.
Chapter 5
I’d been preparing my whole life to enter into the service of the Lord our saviour at Tintern Abbey, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened at that dark, sinful place, and nothing I’d ever imagined was even close to the perverse pleasures and wicked secrets of the flesh I was introduced to there.
My name is Verity, and I am eighteen-and-a-half years old. My upbringing had been kind, but lacking in luxury and wealth. My poor parents tried their best to provide for me, but living in damp squalor as we did, took its toll on their health, and they both departed from this world when I was just fifteen years of age. I was taken to a nearby orphanage for girls, where I was taught the basics of etiquette and household chores, so that I might become a servant one day – and that would only be my fate if I was lucky. The orphange was closely linked to the local Abbey, Tintern, and some of the girls from the orphanage found their way to the Abbey as serving girls and cleaners. I was a very devout young thing. I’d wake every morning and begun the morning Matins and my day was moulded by devotion to the Lord. I often dreamed of one day serving at the Abbey, and thought that there was no fate I’d rather have than to serve the Lord, and his servants, the holy men of that great church.
But at that time, I was only fifteen years old, and it did no good at all for a young girl to think about such things for too long. I was told often by Mrs. Mallory, who ran the orphanage, that I shouldn’t get ideas above my station. She would often tell me off for my prayers, and would blaspheme about the Lord so regularly that I was sure that she was bound for hellfire. Even so, I knew that humility was an important trait of a good Christian, so I got on with life at the orphanage, working hard, keeping myself clean and out of trouble, watching my body change and blossom into early maidenhood. One day, Mrs. announced that a very special visitor was due to visit us that day.
‘It is the Prior of the Abbey,’ she said, with a wide, toothy grin. ‘It’s your chance to impress him,’ she continued, looking at me with a cruel grin, ‘or totally embarress yourself in front of him with fawning and slobbering.’
Well, at those words some of the girls began immediately giggling behind their hands, excitable, and Mrs. Mallory raised a hand to quiet us.
‘Be quiet, cretins,’ she said. ‘He is not for the likes of young girls like you. The Prior is renowned for having some… very adult tastes…’ Her gaze lingered in some distant place, and I noticed her running a hand across her clavicle, as if caressing herself momentarily, and then her eyes snapped back onto us. ‘Today, however, he is here to pick a new servant girl. So look sharp, and here’s a new bar of soap for wash time.’
One of the oldest girls, Judith, grabbed the soap greedily out of Mrs. Mallory’s hands, and a great ruckus began as we fought with one another over who should take their bath first, and who the Prior was likely to choose to work for him. Not one for fights, I hung back and watched my fellow orphans, wondering what the Prior would think of the sight of all of them arguing like this. I crossed myself silently and I slipped away somewhere quiet, to have a wash in private, and to dream about what a new life with someone like a Prior might mean, thanking the Lord for the opportunity that was being put in front of me.
Chapter 6
That afternoon, we were lining up in an orderly fashion, our faces not quite spick and span, but probably shining more freshly than they had ever done in our lives, and we were waiting for the arrival of the Prior with giddy hearts.
‘Now remember what I said,’ said Mrs. Mallory. ‘No chewing, no swearing, no answering back, and definitely no speaking unless spoken to.’
She stood looking at us all, with a slightly disappointed but nonetheless accepting expression, and we waited for a full five minutes like that, in silence, until there was a rap at the orphanage door.
And that’s when Mrs. Mallory became extremely giddy, like a teenage girl, like she was just one of us. ‘Oh goodness!’ she squawked, ‘he’s here!’ She pulled the straps of her frock down a little lower, so that half her rather flat bust was on display, and she hurried over to the front door, skipping like an over-excited child. I couldn’t understand why she was acting in such a lascivious way, showing her flesh to a holy man like that was extremely sinful, and I couldn’t believe that the Prior would be impressed by such wicked actions.
‘My Prior, my Prior!’ she babbled, as we heard her opening the door. ‘How wonderful to see you, sir… I mean sire…. I mean your honour…. Please, come in!’
We couldn’t see the door from where we stood, lined up in the front room, but we craned our necks, listening for the first sound of the Prior, wondering what the man who got Mrs. Mallory in such a tizzy was really like. Knowing her she had terrible tastes, and he would be a repulsive, weasly creature…
‘Thank you, Mrs. Mallory,’ said a booming, deep voice, full of power and control. ‘I shall just be choosing one girl today. I want the most obedient one you’ve got. And please, Prior is quite adequate insofar as nomenclature goes my dear.’r />
‘Of course, your majesty… your honour, I mean my Prior of…’ simpered Mrs. Mallory pathetically, but the Prior interrupted her.
‘If you try and trick me, Mrs. Mallory, I’ll know about it. I want obedience or nothing. The girl must be holy, and pure, like the virgin mother.’
And with that, the commanding man stepped into the front room, and we all gasped. He must have been over six foot five tall, and, being an orphanage full of girls, we were not used to seeing anyone even close to six foot, let alone taller. His complexion was slightly tanned, which was surprising given our position in the English countryside and the hours he must spend inside the Abbey every day. It certainly was not something we were used to seeing either, given that we were expected to spend all day working indoors, and never got the chance to darken our skin. His hair was thick and dark, and he had a layer of stubble upon his chin that seemed to imply a great virility, as if every time he shaved the stubble just popped straight back up, being as full of testosterone as he was. His face was angular and incredibly handsome, and his figure was muscular and trim. He wore a Monk’s habit, but pulled tight across his broad body.
Even the fussiest girls among us looked weak at the knees as he approached.