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Sinful Lust: Taboo Historical Erotica Box Set Page 5
Sinful Lust: Taboo Historical Erotica Box Set Read online
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At first, my mother had refused my father’s strong pleads, knowing the Duke to be a reasonable (though strict and severe) man, and knowing that if she were to marry him, her place in society would become so instantly elevated that she would never want for anything again. My father, on the other hand, was young and poor, and had nothing but his boyish charm to offer her. However, my father, as I have said, was generous with some stolen brandy, stealing in through her window many nights in a row, forcing the brandy between my mother’s lips, and then fucking her persistently until her belly began to swell, and she was so obviously pregnant with his child, that the Duke threw her out for her insolence, and my father had managed to get what he wanted.
My mother, desperate to make amends for her sorry situation, poured all of her love and affection into me, and even began to tolerate, and eventually love my father, despite his terrible behaviour towards her. By the time I was eighteen, my mother had all but forgotten about the Duke, and the marriage that had been meant for her. Until, that is, she heard the voices at the door, and recognised the unmistakable aristocratic accents which she had once been accustomed to.
That is when her story began pouring out to me. The Duke had promised to seek out my father on my eighteenth birthday, and to make him pay for what he had done. He wanted to wait eighteen years, he said, because it was important that ‘the child’ (by which he meant me) had some sort of relationship with her father, but at eighteen, he argued, I would be able to take my leave of him without any damage to my immature emotions, and at that point, the Duke would repossess my mother, and make her his own.
Well, my mother had of course assumed that the Duke would forget his vile promise, borne out of rage and irrationality. In fact, she had not even though about it until she heard the rap at the door, on my birthday, and that’s when she knew. Her life was meant for the Duke now.
But how wrong my mother was in assuming that it was her the Duke had come to possess. For, it turned out, it had been me he wanted, all along.
Two gruff, broad-shouldered men arrived at my house the morning after my father’s departure from this earth, and they told my mother that it was not her they required: it was her daughter. I stood behind my mother, fearfully, begging her not to let them take me away, but my mother’s tears were so heavy that her legs grew weak and she dropped to the tiles.
I think my mother died of a broken heart there and then. ‘First my husband, now my daughter,’ were her last words, as her face hit the floor, and I shouted out for her, desperately trying to bring her back to life, as if my shouts might resurrect her - but alas, she lay mute and cold and still, and I was carried away by the two strong men, toward my wretched fate at the Duke’s manor.
Chapter 14
I was delivered to the manor in the most undignified of ways, being carried on the back of one man, while the other held my wrists together, constraining me so that I might not struggle against my now sealed fate. And although I was tired, and overwhelmed by the loss of my mother and father, it is a good job he did constrain me, as I think I might have ripped his head off, given half the chance.
As the man drew closer to the Duke’s manor, however, my struggling became less persistent. There was something calming about the effect of the English countryside. The Duke lived high up on a hill, looking over the city, away from the smoke and pollution, away from the crying of young babes and the shrieking voices of children. Far away, too, from the constant hammer of the blacksmith, and the saw of the carpenter. Up here, on the hillside, there was only peace. Peace, and the quiet music of birdsong, and the sweet scent of daisies and herbs. It was so tranquil, in fact, that I began to wonder if perhaps my previous life had been as idyllic as I had once thought. Perhaps there was more to life, and perhaps this was it. If only I could be set free, and allowed to roam the hills for the rest of my days, perhaps I might be quite happy here, after all…
But of course, freedom was one thing I was destined not to have, and I was delivered at the door of the manor with a harsh knock. Still hanging from one of the men’s backs, I could not turn and see the manor from where I was positioned, but I became aware of a large shadow looming over me, and knew that the building must be large, as it blocked out so much of the sun’s light and warmth.
And that’s when I heard the heavy door creak open, and the sound of a woman’s voice.
‘Is this the girl?’ she asked.
‘It is,’ answered the man holding me by the wrists.
‘Well put her down then, for heavens’s sakes!’ she cried. ‘She’s not an animal, dear me, no!’ Her tone was friendly and matronly, and I felt relieved that at last I had come upon someone with an ounce of humanity. ‘Hello dearie,’ she said, as I plopped to my feet and turned to face her.
I was pleased to see that her face matched her voice, and she was like a pleasant, slightly rounder version of my own (now dearly departed) mother.
‘What’s the matter?’ asked the woman. ‘Cat got your tongue?’
‘Sorry, Ma’am,’ I said, curtseying. ‘I’m Sapphire.’
The woman laughed at me. ‘You can save your airs and graces for the Duke,’ she said. ‘You’ll be needing them.’
She then led me into the most impressive hallway that I had ever stood in in all my life. It was larger than my local church had been - larger even, I believe, than the town hall, which I had never had the fortune to step inside, but had seen from the outside every time I went to market to fetch mother fresh corn.
‘This way,’ she said, leading me down a decadent corridor, past many evil-looking boars’ heads hanging on the walls, which I tried to steer clear of as I walked. ‘The Duke is waiting for you,’ she said. ‘And he’s not the sort of man you want to keep waiting.’
I walked faster, even though every bone in my body was screaming to me to turn and run the other way, to try and escape my dismal fortune, but, in spite of myself, I found that my feet kept marching forwards, leading me ever closer to meeting this repulsive man.
The man who was about to take possession of me.
Chapter 15
At the end of the corridor, the matronly woman leading me to my fate knocked on a large, polished black door, and then retreated, telling me to open it and not to dawdle. Fearfully, I took deep breath, and opened the door, and I found myself inside a large, gloomy study.
Sitting behind a huge oak desk was a tall, broad man with dark shoulders and a piercing stare: the Duke of Bicester.
‘Please…’ I began, not sure what I was about to say next. Perhaps I was about to tell him what a murderous fiend he was, taking my father’s life and causing my mother to die of a broken heart. But the Duke stood up and interrupted me so quickly that it left me no time to continue my train of thought.
‘Sapphire,’ he said, quickly and boldly. His voice cut into me like a thousand knives. ‘At last you are here. I have waited eighteen years to meet you.’
‘My mother has told me all about…’ I began.
‘Hush now, child,’ he said, moving around to the front of his desk to take me in. ‘You are never to speak unless spoken to. And even then, your words are to be minimal. And you will never address me without referring to me as “master”.’ He took a step closer to me now, taking a strand of my unkempt, blonde hair between his fingers. ‘Because that is what I am to you now, Sapphire,’ he said. ‘Your master.’
I swallowed hard, as the Duke’s hand moved closer to my head, and then gripped my face, lifting my chin up to the light and examining me with a scowl. ‘Sapphire,’ he said. ‘What a silly name for such a plain girl.’ He reached to my lips, and opened them with his thumb, inspecting me teeth. He then pushed his thumb between my lips, and I could taste the tip of it: the mustiness and sweat and warmth of another human being, pushing itself into my orifice. ‘Plain in social status,’ he said, inspecting my eyes now. ‘But unexpectedly ravishing in looks.’
My eyes widened as I realised that the
Duke was pleased with me. I had been expecting him to detest the sight of me! But I noticed that his breath had become heavier since standing close to me, and I felt a strange heat emanating from him. The proximity of such a strong and powerful man was having a strange effect on me too. My heart rate had quickened, my lips had become dry, and I had to draw a tongue over them, making them slick with moisture.
‘I never planned to take your mother,’ he said, walking around me in circles now. ‘Not after she… did what she did… with you father. But as soon as I knew your mother was to have a daughter, I set my designs on you. I feared you would look too much like your pathetic paternal side, but in fact you are the spitting image of your mother when she was your age. No, you are not identical. You are, in fact, much finer. Much more beautiful. You have a refined, elegant, mysterious grace that your mother never had.’
In spite of my rage, I felt my cheeks redden with pleasure at the compliment. What a remarkable effect this man was having on me! I hated him, and yet I enjoyed his compliments. What did it mean?
The Duke suddenly stopped his pacing and turned to face me. ‘I am going to make you mine tonight,’ he said sternly. ‘After you have had a bath, and had your mother and father scrubbed clean off your skin. From then on you will only ever smell of me. And only me.’
‘Sir,’ I said desperately. ‘Please don’t… I mean… I’ve never… with a man… I don’t think I’m ready…’
‘Nonsense,’ he snapped. ‘You’re eighteen now, Sapphire. I can see the lust in your eyes and the wetness on your lips. You are ready alright, girl. You are ready.’
At this point I got down on my knees, crying and begging for mercy, but the Duke simply looked down upon me and smiled.
‘I like you like that,’ he said. ‘Down there on the floor. On your knees for me. Praying and begging for me to stop. I think I shall demand that you get down on your hands and knees like this for me tonight. In fact, I don’t know that I can wait that long…’
My eyes, level with the Duke’s crotch, saw something beginning to appear in the front of his pantaloons, something thick and bulbous, snaking up beneath the black fabric. I could smell something too, a hot, spicy, sexy smell, beginning to emanate from his nether regions.
I held my hands together in supplication and waited desperately for the Lord to save me. But the Lord did not save me, and neither did the Duke.
His hands began undoing the silver buckle on his belt, and then he reached inside his pantaloons and pulled out his meat, thick and strong, letting the enormous object spring out to its full length before me.
‘Oh, sir…’ I begged. ‘Please… No!’
‘That’s it,’ he said smiling. ‘Keep begging me, my girl.’
‘Please, sir,’ I said, looking at the monstrous thing before me. I thought it had previously grown to its full length, but it kept on growing, a thick, purple tip now protruding from the end of it, and the entire length of it now full of purple veins, bulging out of his skin as it filled up with blood and desire. ‘Please,’ I said again, quieter this time, as I became unsure of the effect this thing was having on me. I had thought at first I was scared of it, but now… now there was something else. I was almost… attracted to it.
‘Please…’ I begged again, but before I could let another mouth escape my lips, the Duke pushed the tip of his giant manhood between my lips.
‘Take it, you little wench,’ he said, pushing it further between my lips, past my teeth and onto my tongue, so that I could taste it, all of it: a mixture of salt and sour, as well as a rich, meaty flavour not dissimilar to one of my mother’s delicious stews.
I felt my mouth begin to water as the fleshy object was rubbed over my tongue. I opened my jaw a little wider, letting more of it in, my eyes wide open with shock as the snake began to travel down the back of my throat. I thought at one point I might choke, but the Duke’s firm hand guided his meat in and out of me.
He lifted up my hands, which were still frozen in prayer position, and I felt something new now: two juicy balls of meat, hanging below the thick rod of flesh, hot and sweaty, and desperate for me to touch them. I moved my hands apart a little, touching the balls and watching how the Duke’s flesh shivered at my touch. I noted with satisfaction how pleased the Duke sounded as I sucked him, his groans of pleasure as he held on tight to my hair, pushing my face into him, forcing me to take him into my mouth over and over and over again.
I let my fingers, growing bolder now, travel further back, behind his balls and towards the his backside, and the Duke moaned in pleasure as I did this, so I more confidently took a firm buttock in each of my hands, and squeezed the Duke into me, my fingers travelling further now, pulling apart his buttocks and seeking out his arsehole…
‘Enough!’ shouted the Duke. ‘You disobedient wretch! How dare you touch me like that.’ He pulled his enormous cock out of my mouth and pinned me down to the floor. ‘You’ll have no more of my tasty cock now, you filthy, pathetic creature,’ he spat, and then commanded, gruffly: ‘Open your legs for me.’
‘No, sir, please,’ I begged. ‘Anything but that…’
But at this point it was too late. The Duke’s hands were already inside my undergarments, and he was ripping them off, tearing away my clothes until I was naked from the belly down, completely vulnerable to his every whim.
Chapter 16
‘I’m going to spank you now,’ said the Duke. ‘I’m going to smack your little quim.’ He knelt down on top of my thighs, forcing my legs apart, opening up my quim to his gaze.
The feeling of his eyes on my sacred place, and the cool air of the study moving gently across it only served to make it quiver even more with pleasure, and the wetness I had felt building up between my legs suddenly seemed to spread out of me, spreading the pink lips of my quim with a thin, shiny moisture, which I was sure the Duke could see, and would no doubt interpret as my desire for him.
Of course I didn’t desire this man! He was my enemy. He never forgave my father for something that happened eighteen years ago, and he allowed my poor, dear mother to perish due to his cruelty. And yet… There was something about his commanding presence… his terrible ferocity… I felt the moisture spread between my legs even more.
‘Getting excited, are we?’ remarked the Duke, looking at my quim with curiosity. ‘I’ll soon smack the curiosity out of it.’ He lifted the palm of his right hand, keeping his left hand firmly on his own cock, stroking it up and down, keeping it rock hard as he sat over me, and then, quickly, he swung his hand through the air and smacked me between the legs, right upon the delicate skin of my little quim.
‘Oh no!’ I shrieked, as the pain startled me. The Duke’s firm, strong hand had caused ripples of pain to spread across my thighs, and the poor lips of my cunny to grow rosy and engorged.
And yet, the merciless Duke struck me again.
‘Please,’ I begged, ‘stop.’ But I was already noticing the strange effect the smacks were having upon me. My quim, rather than shrinking back into a dry, closed-up terror, was in fact filling up with blood, growing even more engorged, and opening out to the Duke like a little blossoming flower.
The Duke noticed the change in my cunny too, and grinned. ‘Perhaps you don’t smell so bad after all,’ he said, pushing down on me a little more firmly, pressing my buttocks into the cold hard tiles beneath me. ‘Or at least, you won’t do once I’m done with you.’ He took his giant cock and pressed it up against the entrance to my panting, wet quim, and wriggled it around a little until it forced its way through my tight little lips.
I gasped in pain as his flesh tore through me, but then I moaned in pleasure as the length of him filled me up with delicious meat. ‘Oh, master…’ I moaned.
‘She’s learning,’ said the Duke, pushing his cock even further inside me. ‘I told you I was the master of you. Very good, Sapphire. Now, it seems, you’re getting the hang of it.’
‘Master!’ I cried again, as he pulled hi
s cock back up, out of my passage, and then plunged it in again even harder.
‘Oh, God!’ he moaned as he fucked me. ‘I have watched you from afar for so long. When I saw how sweet you looked at sixteen, I knew you were destined for me. But I waited… I had to wait, until you were eighteen. Do you know how hard it is to wait?’ His cock was moving inside me faster now, and his breath was hard and heavy.
I grabbed his buttocks, pulling him into me as hard as I could, but the Duke quickly pinned me down, forcing me to submit to him, showing me that he was completely in control in all our transactions, and I was merely the vessel that had to take it. And actually, I did not mind. I gave myself up to this man completely, letting him fill me up with pleasure, taking his cock inside me again and again, clenching the muscles of my tight little cunny as hard as I could, grabbing on to him…